Team Management Profile (TMP)

Team Management Profile (TMP)

Building Capable Teams: COLLABORATE

The Team Management Profile may use psychometrics, but it’s all about learning. Working with the TMP you’ll gain an in-depth understanding of the eight core work functions (Types of Work) that are critical for high performing teams.

In order to create unique team reports for each team member, we’ll use work preference psychometrics and our proprietary Types of Work Wheel. The result? You will gain greater insights and awareness, and create strategies to get you started building high-performance teams.

Our team can help you get accredited in the TMP methodology, or organize the delivery of a TMP program via one of our TMS Associates.

Opportunities-Obstacles Quotient (QO2) Profile

Opportunities-Obstacles Quotient (QO2) Profile

Building Capable Teams: CALIBRATE

When you are building a high-performance team, opportunities and obstacles can help or hinder the process.

The TMS Opportunities-Obstacles Quotient (QO₂) Profile highlights people’s predisposition to seeing opportunities versus obstacles in particular situations. It then helps you to understand how they are likely to feel and think about innovation, change and risk so that you can design solutions around those insights.

Our expert team of QO2 master trainers can help you get accredited in the methodology, or organise the delivery of the QO2 programme via TMS Direct so you can gain the insights you need today.

Window on Work Values (WoWV) Profile

Window on Work Values (WoWV) Profile

Building Capable Teams: ALIGN

The TMS Window on Work Values (WoWV) Profile identifies personal and organisational values and analyses their alignment. When they are aligned, it paves the way to building a high-performance team. When they are not, a high-performance team may be out of reach. So, our WoWV Profile also provides a solution to this misalignment.

Working with WoWV you will gain valuable insights on how your team approaches work, what drives their decision making and what determines their specific behaviours. With this information you will be in an excellent position to manage conflict, disengagement, poor performance and values misalignment.

Our team can help you get accredited in the WoWV methodology, or organise the delivery of the WoWV programme via TMS Direct.

Linking Leader Profile (LLP|360)

Linking Leader Profile (LLP|360)

Building Capable Leaders: LEAD

The TMS Linking Leader Profile (LLP|360) is one of the world’s most widely used 360° multi-rater diagnostics and leadership profile tools. The LLP|360 helps to provide you with vital information and data about your team’s work-related behaviour. It also highlights insights into how these behaviours affect your ability to build a high-performance team.

Ultimately, LLP|360 helps you create real-time strategies, improve leadership-related skills and raise your overall team and leadership performance over time.

Our team can help you get accredited in the LLP|360 methodology, or organise the delivery of the LLP|360  programme via TMS Direct.