If your teams or clients are seeking ways to make better decisions, solve problems more effectively and clarify goals, then the TMS Opportunities-Obstacles Quotient (QO2) Profile is the right solution.
The QO₂ Profile highlights people’s tendencies to see opportunities or obstacles when they are faced with challenging situations. It helps you to profile how they are likely to approach innovation, change and risk. And it allows you to design solutions to design and execute programs to support resilience and change and for turning obstacles into opportunities.
The QO2 Profile provides valuable insights as to why some people:
- Are threatened by change, while others are energised by it
- Hold on to the past, while others race towards the future
- Only see problems, while others see opportunity and solutions
- Assume the worst (glass half empty), while others see potential (glass half full)
- Find it difficult to set goals, while others are driven by them
The QO2 Profile is used for:
- Leadership & Management Development
- Risk Management
- Change Management
- Life Coaching
- Performance & Conflict Management
- Innovation & Creativity Teams
- Executive Coaching
- Mindset Coaching
The QO2 Profile includes:
- Access to TMS Global® for 2 years which includes linked Diagnostic Tools, Videos and eBooks
- The QO2 Development Guide
- Access to online personal development tools
- Practical data insights on individual results
- A strategy for improved decision making and problem solving at work
Get Started with QO2?
For HR and L&D professionals, becoming accredited in the QO2 Profile is as easy as investing a day of your time.
Once accredited our experienced facilitators will arm you with all the support tools you need to immediately integrate our QO2™ Profile into your programs. And our dedicated Client Support Team are here to help you administer, process and manage your groups.
Get started with accreditation or organize the delivery of the QO2 Profile via a TMS Associate.
The QO2 is a powerful tool in helping members understand others approach to risk taking and openness to new ideas. When selecting climbing partners, QO2 really comes to the fore especially when making a summit bit for Everest.
Bob Killip & Zac Zaharias, Everest Expedition, 2001

Our other profiles
Team Management Profile (TMP)
Building Capable Teams: COLLABORATE
TMP is not just about psychometrics. It's about learning.
With our expert tool you’ll gain an in-depth understanding of the eight core Types of Work that your teams must do to be successful. We utilise work preference psychometrics and our proprietary Types of Work Wheel to create unique Team Management Profiles for each team member.
TMP helps you to create greater awareness and develop strategies to improve performance, communication and business outcomes.
Window on Work Values (WoWV) Profile
Building Capable Teams: ALIGN
Our TMS Window on Work Values (WoWV) Profile focuses on the alignment between personal and organisational values. It also provides a solution when misalignment presents itself.
You’ll gain valuable insights on how your team approaches work, what drives decision making and what determines specific behaviours. That means you’ll be able to design solutions for misalignment, conflict, disengagement and poor performance for individuals and within teams.
Linking Leader Profile (LLP|360)
Building Capable Leaders: LEAD
The TMS Linking Leader Profile (LLP|360) is one of the world’s most widely used 360° multi-rater diagnostics.
Working with the LLP|360 you can gain critical insights into work-related behaviour and real-time strategies. Better yet, you will improve leadership-related skills and overall performance over time.