Leadership skills are a vital part of your organisation, and gaining them can be tricky. That’s why we developed the TMS Linking Leader Profile (LLP|360) to help.

The LLP|360 is one of the world’s most widely used 360° multi-rater diagnostics around leadership skills. As a leadership profile, the LLP|360 identifies performance around fundamental people, task and leadership-related skills that can be used to support leadership training, coaching, development and performance management.

Based on 360° feedback, a personalised report provides a gap analysis of the extent to which the leader should and does demonstrate key behaviours. Understanding these opens up a conversation around priorities and allows you to realign expectations. You’ll be in a strong position to begin to develop your leaders for high performance and incredible outcomes. 

The Linking Leader Profile (LLP|360) provides leaders with a leadership profile that delivers:

  • Critical insights into their work-related behaviour
  • A gap analysis of the extent to which they demonstrate these behaviours
  • Real-time strategies to improve leadership skills that can be implemented immediately.

As a leading psychometric diagnostic, the LLP|360 enables organisations to implement appropriate leadership training, and benchmark, monitor and measure performance improvement over time.

Your LLP|360 investment

Competitively priced, the LLP|360 is offered as a standard bundle for up to eight raters. For groups larger than eight, we simply charge a small fee for each additional rater. This makes it easy for you to cost your client proposals.

The Linking Leader Profile (LLP|360) Profile:

  • Is simple to navigate and understand
  • Is easy for leaders and coaches to generate an effective action plan together
  • Complements and builds on other TMS profiling tools
  • Can be applied to individuals and groups
  • Integrates a detailed narrative, supported by graphics and analytics
  • Gets right to the actionable outcomes 
  • Quickly identifies areas of misalignment
  • Details the key focus areas for development
  • Provides a guide for ongoing development

Linking Leader Profile (LLP|360) applications include: 

  • Leadership Training & Development
  • Management Programs
  • Performance Coaching
  • Executive & Mentoring Programs

Get started with LLP|360?

For human resource and learning and development professionals, becoming accredited is as. You simply need to book in a day with our expert facilitators.

Once accredited you'll be armed with all the support tools you need to immediately integrate the LLP|360 leadership profile into your organisation and programs. As always, our dedicated Client Support Team are here to help you administer, process and manage the LLP|360 Profile to ensure you get excellent outcomes for your leaders or your clients’.

Get started with accreditation or organize the delivery of the LLP|360 Profile via a TMS Associate.

  • Leadership Development
  • Management Programs
  • Performance Coaching
  • Executive and Mentoring Programmes

Our other profiles

Team Management Profile (TMP)

Team Management Profile (TMP)

Building Capable Teams: COLLABORATE

TMP is not just about psychometrics. It's about learning.

With our expert tool you’ll gain an in-depth understanding of the eight core Types of Work that your teams must do to be successful. We utilise work preference psychometrics and our proprietary Types of Work Wheel to create unique Team Management Profiles for each team member.

TMP helps you to create greater awareness and develop strategies to improve performance, communication and business outcomes.

Opportunities-Obstacles Quotient (QO2) Profile

Opportunities-Obstacles Quotient (QO2) Profile

Building Capable Teams: CALIBRATE

The TMS Opportunities-Obstacles Quotient (QO₂) Profile highlights people’s predisposition to seeing opportunities versus obstacles in particular situations. It also zeroes in on their probable approach to innovation, change and risk.

Understanding these factors lets you identify and develop resilience in the workplace, so you can build up thought leaders, design programmes and empower higher performing teams.

Window on Work Values (WoWV) Profile

Window on Work Values (WoWV) Profile

Building Capable Teams: ALIGN

Our TMS Window on Work Values (WoWV) Profile focuses on the alignment between personal and organisational values. It also provides a solution when misalignment presents itself.

You’ll gain valuable insights on how your team approaches work, what drives decision making and what determines specific behaviours. That means you’ll be able to design solutions for misalignment, conflict, disengagement and poor performance for individuals and within teams.